first class lever Click to see full answer. Furthermore, what type of simple machines are in a catapult?Description. When you build a catapult with three simple machines as part of the design (lever, pulley, screw), you add multiple levels of complexity to an already elegantly conceived machine. Adjust trajectory, control trigger mechanism and launch ping pong balls with more thoughtful plans than just point and release.Beside above, is a catapult a simple or compound machine? A compound machine is made up of more than one type of simple machine. The first catapults were constructed by using some of the simple machines such as the lever, wheel, and the ramp. Catapults were invented about 400 BC in the powerful Greek land of Syracus. At first, catapults were used to shoot spears or stones. In this manner, is a catapult a lever? A catapult is a lever, a stick or beam propped up by a fulcrum (a pivoting point). A lever will magnify the force you put on it if the fulcrum (the pivoting point) is closer to your force than it is to the load. The catapult magnifies your force to throw a pompom.How does a catapult work?Both catapults and ballistas work by storing tension either in twisted ropes or in a flexed piece of wood (in the same way an archery bow does, but on a larger scale). A trebuchet tends to be easier to build because it consists simply of a pivoting beam and a counterweight that rotates the beam through an arc.